What we do

Food security is an issue that affects people all over the world. It is estimated that by 2050,
demand for food will be 60% greater than it is today. This is due to population growth and increasing issues with supply chains and product lines. As daunting as this sounds, agriculture

Technology companies like Hydroponics Gardens Masaka are changing the future of food for
the better through AgTech advancements, and through education.

Our Mission

To design and manufacture the most economically viable, resource-efficient, and productive
hydroponic equipment possible, while educating and supporting the hydroponics farming
community. This will empower communities to grow their own food and increase agricultural yields throughout all seasons, enhance food production and nutrition, increase household income and combat climate change.

Our vision

Our shared vision is to feed the world through a portfolio of cost-effective and sustainable simplified
hydroponic farming solutions. To create enduring value, abundance and opportunities to all

Our sponsors & partners

We are pleased to work with partners. They work with us globally and each of us focuses on achieving sustainable change in different ways. In short, each partnership is unique. We focus on
creating long-lasting relationships with our partners so that we can support each other at every
step of our journey in the best way possible.